Making sense

Anne Lamott, on writing ...

"We are a species that needs and wants to understand who we are. Sheep lice do not seem to share this longing, which is one reason why they write so little. But we do. We have so much we want to say and figure out.”

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Trying again

Well, hello, 2014. I've been waiting for you.
I do have some resolutions, the kind that I will probably break, but I'm one of those eternal optimists and so I trudge forward, feeling only kind of certain that what I'm about to write might actually happen.
1) Lose twenty-five pounds. (Duh.)
2) Quit cursing (emphasis on burying the F-word).
3) Get organized.
      a) Clean out the linen closet
      b) Clean out the top middle drawer of my dresser
      c) Scrapbook photos as soon as I get them
      d) Keep the Taurus clean so HAS doesn't freak out when he drives it
      e) Donate all clothing that I haven't worn in a year
4) Pay bills on time.
5) ^Earn more money.
6) Follow that weekly savings plan I saw on Pinterest. (Week 1: deposit $1; Week 2, deposit $2 ...)
7) Plan a trip to Greenwich, Connecticut, to see the house where The Family Stone was filmed.
    (Book a bed and breakfast there in town!)
8) Go to church 52 times.
    *Try different denominations, in and around the Kansas City area
9) Blog about my church-journey?
10) Blog at least fifteen times every month.
12) Get at least three short stories published this year.

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