Making sense

Anne Lamott, on writing ...

"We are a species that needs and wants to understand who we are. Sheep lice do not seem to share this longing, which is one reason why they write so little. But we do. We have so much we want to say and figure out.”

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin a dynamo at the podium ...

The election drama thickens. Last night I watched McCain's Veep approach the podium and wow the assembly.
This gal has gumption. She's poised and articulate and passionate in her philosophies.
I am excited for the Oct. 2 vice-presidential debates.
Watching debates has always entranced me. How DO these people think so quickly?
It will be interesting when the "rubber hits the road" to see if Palin can hold her own against Biden.
I have a feeling she just might be able to do it.


Bee said...

Well, I won't deny that Palin has certainly made everything more interesting. (I've been reading the paper more, too -- just to see what people are saying about her!)

I dislike a lot of her political positions, but I can see that she has charisma.

Kathleen Stander said...

Charisma can carry a person far when there are voters in the U.S. who cast a ballot because a candidate is "pretty" or has a good sense of humor or has adorable children who say adorable things.
Frankly, I am a bit worried.
I do not want a lipstick-pitbull- joking "hockey mom" in the second-highest position in the land, especially one who garners support because she wears designer shoes, designer eyeware, and has a special-needs child (which will most assuredly win "pity" votes come November).
Apparently the Repubs are trying to keep Mrs. Palin away from the media. I wonder why ... .
I have cleared my calendar for the eve of Oct. 2. Will NOT miss the Veep debates!

B J C said...

Hello, it's me again! :)

I agree with both of you - voting for someone on the basis of superficial qualities is idiotic, and helps no one. As an intelligent voting republic, it is our duty to understand the positions of each candidate before we decide to vote yay or nay.

The Veep debate will be MOST interesting! Joe Biden is supposed to be a good debater, but he has a tendency to pop off with the first thing on his mind. That could make for some superb fun regardless of how Palin performs! But, that will certainly be the toughest test of Palin's ability to hold her own, and should give us an idea of how she'll do in office.

I don't believe that the Reps are keeping her away from the media. Did you expect her to speak daily from now until the election? Keep in mind that both sets of candidates immediately jetted off to other lower-profile campaign stops after their conventions. And, above all, the Reps have to make sure that Palin doesn't eclipse McCain. After all, he is the one running for President, and needs to be the one out front. I'm sure we'll see more of her over the next few weeks, but in moderation. Even so, I'm certain she will be thoroughly vetted before we get to the election.