Making sense

Anne Lamott, on writing ...

"We are a species that needs and wants to understand who we are. Sheep lice do not seem to share this longing, which is one reason why they write so little. But we do. We have so much we want to say and figure out.”

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Needin' a new profile pic ...

Not only am I now the beholder of rather long hair (or, long-ish), I really need to have an updated pic posted. Also, I am now a brunette. Too much peroxide (read: highlighting/low lighting/midlighting) had left my hair brittle and frizzled.
On a bright note, I'm down to about 40 instructional days at the middle school. I can do it. Forty I can do.
I survived turning 40, even when I thought I would stay in bed for the rest of my life, curled in a fetal position.

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